Dyslexia Intervention
Dyslexia is a lifelong condition. With the right help, many people with dyslexia can learn to read and write well. Early diagnosis is the key to the survival of individuals with dyslexia at school and in life. Most people with dyslexia need the help of a specially trained teacher or therapist using a multi-centre, structured language approach. These individuals are the same It is important to teach in a systematic and clear method that includes several senses (hearing, sight, touch) at the same time. Many people with dyslexia need one-on-one help so they can progress at their own pace. Also, students with dyslexia often need lots of structured practice and immediate corrective feedback to improve their automatic word recognition skills.

For students with dyslexia, it is important that outside therapists and classroom teachers work closely together. For example, a student with dyslexia may be given extra time to complete tasks, assist with note taking, and appropriately modified work assignments. Teachers can provide recorded tests or allow students with dyslexia to use alternative assessment tools.
Students can benefit from listening to audiobooks, reading text and computer programs that do word processing.
Students may need help with emotional problems that sometimes arise as a result of difficulties at school.
Mental health professionals can help students deal with problems.